Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our 2010 Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Family & Friends!

We hope 2010 has brought many blessings to you and your family! 2010 has been a very busy and trying year for us, however despite the many challenges we have been very fortunate to have the generous support of our family and friends to help carry us into 2011. On December 29, 2009 we welcomed Owen Albert Fox into our family. Owen’s arrival came with many unexpected complications- including cleft lip and cleft palate as well as hypopituitaryism (non-functioning pituitary gland). He spent one month in the NICU in St. Paul and has had four surgeries in 2010. Despite the hurdles he has faced in his first year he is full of smiles and a loving personality! With the help of a great medical team, daily medications and many prayers Owen is growing and thriving. As we near Owen’s first birthday we can’t believe how fast the first year has gone! We are very thankful for all of the well wishes and prayers that helped us get here!

Ashton Othmar (who shares the same pituitary condition as Owen- in a lesser degree) is nearly four years old and is working hard on his independence! His mobility has been challenged by his pituitary condition, but he works very hard at home and in physical therapy to gain the strength and stability so he may soon be 100% independent. Ashton is very smart and loves to acting silly, playing and singing to music, and fishing. He enjoyed many days at the lake this year and loves to catch fish!! -he’s also very good at it! We look forward to Ashton starting pre-school in the fall of 2011!

Kiera Elizabeth just turned two and is as sweet as honey! She can melt your heart with her little smile, but she knows how to use it! She loves to color and play all day long and almost all things girly!! She is incredibly independent, but is almost always willing to help her brothers and share without asking. She’s our little helper and shadow… she’s always watching and learning. She loves to be outside exploring and playing with her Daddy or her best friend (Dixie our dog!).

Shelby continues to work at Nexen and enjoys time with the kids and getting outdoors! I am fortunate enough to stay at home with our kids full time. In my free time (ha ha!) I am still coordinating the marketing for Adventures and very much appreciate the flexibility and convenience of my home office as my designated workplace! Our children are our life and continue to fill it up with lots of laughter and love. Owen and Ashton’s medical needs filled up many of our weeks with physical therapy appointments, trips to St. Paul and Rochester. We are very lucky to have family so close who are so willing to pitch in and help out often while we are on the road with the boys or when Shelby and I just need a break. We enjoyed some free time this year in-between medical appointments and surgeries to sneak in a few family fishing days, day trips to the park or lake and a full family camping trip! I chronicle our day-to-day adventures with pictures and dialog on my Facebook page and on our family blog -we invite you all to ‘friend’ us or check out our blog!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas & Blessed 2011!
Love & Hugs,
Sarah, Shelby, Ashton, Kiera & Owen Fox

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