Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Greetings Family & Friends,
We hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season!  We are looking forward to a season of festive celebrations with our families. 2012 has been a year of exciting changes for our family. 
This year Ashton started all-day Kindergarten at Cumberland Elementary and is enjoying it! Every day he wakes up bright eyed and ready to go to school- he’s a real morning person!   It’s been exciting to watch him grow into a little boy, exercising his independence and making choices on his own.   Ashton has made many friends at school and is beloved by his teachers and support staff.  His bubbly social personality and bright smile has made the transition to all day school much easier!
Along with Ashton, Kiera has also begun school this year.  While she missed the cut-off for public preschool by a day, we made the decision to enroll her in half-days at St. Paul’s Lutheran Preschool just a minute out of town.  This year she has had opportunity to make new friends and partake in the many creative projects at school.  She loves creative play, being outdoors, and all things pink and sparkly!
Owen, who’s nearly three years old, is gaining new skills every day! He is always zooming around the house exploring and he’s getting much better and verbalizing and communicating his daily needs.  We have been blessed with a break from surgeries and hospital visits for most of the year.  His primary surgeon said his biggest job right now is growing up! Owen loves his toy trucks and cars; he is seldom more than ten minutes without one in his hand! 
This year has been a great time for our family.  While the boys medical needs require continued monitoring, routine appointments have gone seamlessly and we have been fortunate that they have continued to thrive and grow with few medication adjustments. We had so much fun this summer playing at the beach, on the lake, in the garden, and out and about together.  We raised 26 chickens this spring and we are now enjoying a bounty of fresh eggs every day along with the hilarity of having chickens running all over the lawn during the day!   The kids really love our chickens- we even have a few that are cuddly!  And to our great surprise, Dixie (our dog) is exceptional with the chickens, she even plays with them! She is as gentle and playful with them as she is with our kids, we couldn’t ask for a better dog for our family.
We want to thank everyone for the abundance of love and support you give our family.  While we don’t get to see or talk to many of you as much as we wish we could, know you are always in our thoughts.  We wish you the warmest Holiday Season and a Very Merry Christmas.  May 2013 bring blessings, love, and peace to you and yours.
Merry Christmas,
Shelby, Sarah, Ashton, Kiera & Owen Fox

Our 2012 Christmas Card


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