On a whim, this afternoon I invited my niece & nephew to go to the beach with me and the kiddos. I woke a reluctant Owen up from his nap early, made a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, got the kids in their swim suits, and packed them for the beach. I have to admit, I was somewhat scared. We never really tried this as a family and I was attempting to undertake the activity sans Shelby. However, I can't deny the incredible help that my niece & nephew (Nikki & Skyler) are- they're pretty much amazing kids!
Activities like going to the beach, the park, or even the grocery store with our three kids were once so overwhelming that I just shut down and chose alternative activities for us... and then things changed. These things don't happen overnight in our house, they happen slow and steady- and then on a day like today I just can't believe how fast it really happened. Last month Owen's mobility presented many of the same challenges that we faced during the first four years with Ashton. Owen's need for constant assistance to walk independently was often difficult to accommodate in solo parenting situations- especially when also being accompanied by Ashton & Kiera for out and about activities. Kiera is very helpful, is a fantastic listener and quick to keep up, but is a busy almost four year old. Ashton does still require some assistance with the day-to-day things. He might just need a little extra help with his clothing, shoes, or a hand to steady himself on rough terrain, but all the extra needs combined overwhelmed me. I just couldn't wrangle everybodies needs adequately enough to actually enjoy our chosen activity.
Today there was a shift. We all made it to the beach, the playground, had some snacks and made it home in one piece. There were no tears, no fits, just fun. Ashton & Kiera are both enjoying the water and navigating it without much assistance at all. Kiera is certainly a water baby like her Mama. She loves the lake and has not a single ounce of fear in the water. I got a chance to work with her more on her swimming skills and she even jumped off the platform into the water today! Ashton, like his Dad, is learning to love the water. He has never enjoyed the water as much as this year and today finally started dunking himself and telling me how much he loves to go underwater! Owen adopts almost the same sentiments as Kiera for the water, however he's not quite ready to tromp off on his own yet. Who can blame the kid, he just started walking this month!! He is excited to enjoy the water with somebody else, his big smile never leaving his face.
Today was a day that I think other families might take for granted, but here it's a reason to celebrate. After the kids went to bed tonight, I just couldn't shake the feeling of real happiness. Having a normal day might feel mundane and might not be much fun, but here it's an amazing feeling to enjoy a few moments without medication schedules, occupational, speech, or physical therapy appointments, doctor visits, insurance calls, dentist appointments, eye appointments..... and the list goes on. Today made me realize just how often these little moments are starting to happen. We are making real memories as a family. We're finding our own balance and siezing the opportunties that we're given to fill the moments with stuff that matters, even knowing it might not work out perfect. We're willing to take the risks to make memories. I'm remembering to step back and breathe and just be in that moment. This afternoon reminded me of the hot Summer days that my Mom and Aunt would take us to Sand Lake in Sarona to swim and play the day away.... it wasn't complicated then, just fun. It makes me so happy to know my kids will have that too. <3
Loved this blog entry! :) So happy you guys enjoyed the day & had fun!!!! You make me want to stop & enjoy moments even more & never take things for granted! Thanks for the reminders! <3