Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Two-day's News: Happy Birthday Owen

Dear Owen,

Tomorrow you turn two years old- where has the time gone? The last two years have whizzed by us and before my eyes today is a handsome, vibrant little boy- not a baby. When you were born we were bombarded and overwhelmed by the things we were told that were wrong with you.... your mouth, lip & nose didn't form right and you had a cleft. You couldn't eat from a bottle- instead through a tube into your belly because your lip didn't work right and the little muscle at the top of your tummy didn't work right, you couldn't fight illness by yourself, stabilize your blood pressure, control your growth because your body would not produce the hormones to make you better, you couldn't see properly because your eye muscles were too tight, your heart didn't beat quite right because you had a hole in it...

What all the doctors failed to tell us- was everything that is right about you. There is nothing wrong with you my sweet boy, everything about you is perfectly right. You are the most perfect Owen your Daddy and I could have ever asked for. What the doctors didn't tell us is that you are tough and you would fight, you are hands down the strongest boy I know. You are strong in brute, but even stronger in heart and courage.  In the minutes after you were born, I was lying on the operating table and you on the cart next to me- the nurses helping you breath. All I wanted was to touch my tiny boy before the doctors whisked you away to board the helicopter. I reached out and you didn't just let me touch your hand, you held mine.  In the most difficult moment of your life, you hung on. Your tiny fist squeezed my finger.. you let me know you were strong and would fight. You've had more doctors appointments and surgeries than most people have in a lifetime, not once has it set you back.  You've greeted surgical staff with smiles and your charm. We've had our share of long days and nights at the hospital, but you always pull through and defy the odds.

The doctors didn't tell us how handsome you are. You were born with a smile a mile wide, beautiful hazel eyes and a head of thick sandy colored hair.  I'll never forget how scared I was before your lip surgery. I was afraid I would never see your BIG beautiful smile again... no surgeon has taken that away from you. Your hazel eyes, big smile and heart melting 'hi' radiate beauty and charm.

The doctors didn't tell us how amazing you are. Your birth has pulled our family closer together than I ever thought possible. Your incredible strength and endurance has inspired pure love, persistence and courage I never thought possible. You have enabled me to face my own fears, to not settle for less than what's best for my family and to love beyond what I could ever imagine.  You personality is so endearing- you have a quiet charm about you that easily warms hearts. Even at a young two, you have a strong bond to your brother and sister. You squeal in delight when you're included in their play & games and you defend them and express compassion for their hurt.

Two years are behind us and all of those things that were 'wrong' with you are now right. You eat just like every other toddler, the hole in your heart closed, your medication keeps your hormones in check, your lip & palate have been closed, your eye muscles have been moved and you are the proud owner of a very stylish pair of glasses.  Owen, I never want you to think there is something wrong with you- because there is not. Only a stranger could lead you to believe such a lie, because anybody who knows you knows better. They know the strong, handsome and amazing you are.  They know what you told me in the first moments of your life- everything's going to be alright.  I love you so much Owen, Happy Birthday!



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