Thursday, September 1, 2011

My little Squirrel

My Sweet Kiera Elizabeth,

I don't get nearly enough time to write about you. It's not that you are not interesting or worth writing about, you're everything I wish I could always write about. I pour my stress and struggles into my journals, I celebrate triumphs and mourn tragedy, I seldom write only about love. Love is what you are.  As for the stress and struggle... one day your Daddy will that argue that with me! He's already sprouting grey hairs just thinking about the havoc you will wreak on his heart one day! 

We've called you 'Squirrel' since before you were born. On all of our ultrasound pictures you had your hands in your mouth and Daddy said you looked like a little 'Squirrel'. It stuck. You don't even hesitate to answer to 'Squirrel' or 'Squirrely'. You'll turn 3 years old in the morning, I can hardly believe it. I must have blinked- you're not a baby anymore, you're my little girl.... my little Squirrel. You love pink, dresses, princesses, singing, dancing, coloring, painting, and pulling all my jewelry out of my jewelry box. You love to put on makeup when I do, you love to pick out your own clothes, and you love your family and friends with ALL of your heart.  You are the little girl Mom's dream about...

You're all girl, but you're certainly not prissy! [ha,ha] Some of your favorite things to do are catch frogs, go jump in the 'muddy puddles', go fishing, pick worms, swim, go for tractor and four-wheeler rides and play outside (without shoes!). You're always looking for butterflies to catch (you still haven't got one!) and a few weeks ago asked me if we had 'pixie dust' so you could go fly with the birdies. You're goofy, clumsy and strong willed. You're thoughtfully independent- you tell me all the time that you don't need my help, but do your three year old best to mind the things I've told you.

We have tough days and we both know it- sunshine and rainbows don't come without rain. But it's time to celebrate the bits of you that fill my heart. Just like your brothers, God had a plan when he brought you to our family...

It breaks my heart to watch these tender years go so fast, but at the same time I'm filled with excitement for the beautiful girl you are growing up to be. I never want to forget these precious times with you and how sweet you are today.  Happy 3rd birthday little girl!

Love you through and through and tomorrow too,

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