You're my big boy now... where in the world has FIVE years gone? I really can't even wrap my head around the fact that you are growing so quickly! You were my baby for so long and now- just in the last year you have shot up into a little boy. Your blue eyes sparkle just as bright as the day you were born... I still can remember my shock in the delivery when I was told that you had blonde hair and blue eyes! I couldn't believe it- I was assured that your ice blue eyes and golden blonde hair would change after a few months! I never imagined having a son with such opposite features from his parents- the fact is, today I couldn't imagine you any other way. Your hair has darkened some, but you still sport the small white-blonde streak of hair on the top of your head. I think it just may be your birthmark. You are Ashton Othmar Fox, our charmingly handsome boy with eyes that sparkle as bright as your personality. You incredibly sweet and proud of your name, as you should be. It's a strong name for such a little boy, but you wear it well. You are always sure when asked your name to tell people your full name- it's pretty cute when you say, "I'm Ashton... Othmar... Fox!". I do fear that someday you won't like your middle name, but I hope you are as proud of it in the years to come as you are today. Your Daddy and I were very proud that you would share a name with your Great Grandpa Fox, he was a good man to be named after. I'm sure your Daddy and Papa Fox will tell you all about him someday.
The last year has been all about new experiences for you. At the beginning of the 2011, you weren't yet able to walk on your own. You required mobility assistance from those around you with all of your activities and then the assistance of your walker to get where you needed to go. Years of undiagnosed pituitary problems took a tole on your young developing frame and muscles. We are so thankful for the medication, hours of physical therapy and the enlightenment of your specialists and doctors that has brought you new life. In 2011 years of heartbreak and struggle were left in the dust with your walker.
This year you not only learned how to walk independently, you learned that anything is possible with 'Ashton Power!' It's no surprise to me that you love your superhero toys- they have special powers, just like you. In the past year you've enjoyed so many activities in a whole new way- all by yourself! While you let us tag along for fishing trips, family events and day-trips to new places, for the most part you can get to where you want and explore as you please. It's been a real treat to watch you explore your world on your own. Your determination to conquer all has come with it's share of head-butting too. It's hard to take four years of hand-holding-help out of you... "You CAN do it Ashton, just try." I can't count how many times I've said that over the last year. The good news is, most days you do try and succeed. Sometimes you don't and you get frustrated and then very vocally tell me, "MOM, I'm SO Frustrated!" We work through those moments and keep moving forward :) In the last year with Ashton Power you conquered your struggle with mobility, the potty, climbing, independent activities, jumping and so much more. We've still got areas to work on, but you're a good sport and try, try, try. You're not as fast as other kids your age, but that's okay- it doesn't matter who wins the race as long as you finish.
Keep your head up and keep trying, baby. You were my original inspiration for our family mantra- Slow and steady, the turtle wins the race. This year you have won SEVERAL races... you even out-run me some days! You've given me so much love and hope in the past year, I can hardly wait to see what the year to come might bring.
Happy 5th Birthday Ashton!